
User Guide to Duke

Table of Contents

1. What is Duke?
2. Features
3. Getting Started
        3.1 Install Duke
        3.2 How to use
4. Feedback and Contact Us

1. What is Duke?

Duke is a personal bot for everyone. It manages your daily tasks and keeps you on track in this era of increasingly busy lifestyle.

2. Features

  1. Add a Task.

    A Task is either one of these:

    1. ToDo task. A task which need to be done.
    2. Deadline task. A task which has a deadline to be completed.
    3. Event task. A task which occurs on a certain date.
  2. list your tasks. List out all your added tasks.

  3. done a task. Mark a task as completed.

  4. delete a task. Delete a task from you task list.

  5. find related task using keywords.

  6. undo an action. Undo your mistake.

3. Getting Started

3.1 Install Duke

3.2 How to use

Command Description
todo [desc] Add a ToDo Task accompanied with description of the task
deadline [desc] /by [datetime] Deadline task accompanied with the description of the task and also the datetime (in ‘dd/M/yyyy hh:mm’ format) when the task has to be completed.
event [desc] /at [datetime] Event task accompanied with the description of the task and also the datetime (in ‘dd/M/yyyy hh:mm’ format) when the task is occurring.
list List out all your added tasks
find [keyword] List out all your tasks with [keyword] in it
done [index] Marks the specified index of task in your list as completed
delete [index] Delete the specified index of task in your list
undo Undo to your last action, your task list will be reverted into previous ones
bye Exits Duke

4. Feedback and Contact Us

Thanks for using the product Duke. For any issues, queries or feedback, feel free to drop the developer a message. I can be contacted through: